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Ender 3 pro manual. Creality Ender 3 Assembly Instructions


RB42s assembly instructions are enderr on the below two factory manuals from Creality. Please reference these manufacturers manuals for further information regarding the assembly process for this particular printer. Use correct safety practices, appropriate tools in good and working condition and suitable personal protective equipment while assembling the 3D printer as risk of personal injury or property damage may result.

The Author RB42 por no ender 3 pro manual for injury or property damage as a result of endeg error while following the steps outlined in this manual. This document may be copied for personal use only, it may also be copied for educational purposes with permission from the author and under enser agreement endder commercial use and for-profit purposes.

If you have any further questions or want to suggest an amendment, please contact the author via email contact rb From the underside of the 02 Printer Baseinsert 2x M5x45 hex socket cap screws through the predrilled holes on the left ende the frame, so the thread is sticking out through ender 3 pro manual top face of the aluminium profile.

Identify each of the Z-axis vertical profiles to be used in this step: 15 Z-axis maunal profile left and 16 Z-axis vertical profile right While they may look the same there are subtle differences:. The 15 left vertical profile can be Identified as having two threaded holes, one next to the other, positioned close to the end. The end with these two holes is по этому сообщению base of the upright and will be attached to the 02 Printer base.

The 16 right vertical profile features two threaded holes, one on-top of the other. Positioning of these screw holes are not symmetrical, with the hole closest to the end of the profile being the bottom hole.

This end, with the screw читать больше closest to the end, is the base of the upright and will be attached to the 02 Printer base.

Position 15 Z-axis profile left on the left-hand side of the 02 Printer Base, directly above the two M5x45 cap manuual from step 1. Bernina qe manual download an M4 hex key Allen keyproceed to screw the M5 cap screws into the base of the Z-axis upright and tighten until upright held firmly in position.

Repeat the process ender 3 pro manual the opposite side and 16 Z-axis profile right. The process will remain the same albeit now kanual the right-hand side of the base. Orient the upright so the channel with the holes is closest to the printer bed. Confirm each of the Z-axis uprights are squared to the base by using a Square e.

If not exactly square, untighten the screws and ender 3 pro manual to reseat the upright. If still not square after this, additional frame bracing or gussets may be required.

Set the power supply to the required mains voltage. The voltage is altered by toggling ender 3 pro manual red switch on the back of the power supply from either reading v for v 50hz mains supply or v for v 60hz mains supply. Ensure voltage is set correctly as incorrectly selected voltage will cause damage to the printer and may cause further electrical hazards. Mount the 03 power supply to the reverse side of 16 Z-axis vertical profile right from step 1.

Attach the 01 LCD display to the front face of 02 printer base on the right-hand side with 2x M5x8 hex socket button head screws using an M3 hex key Allen key to screw securely in place.

Insert the T-slot nuts of the 09 Z axis limit switch assembly into the channel on the side of the Z-axis vertical profile by rotating the nuts so that they are in the same orientation as the channel on the profile so that they are placed into the channel without obstruction.

Once in the channel, using an M3 hex key Allen key rotate the orientation of the T-slot nuts by 90 ender 3 pro manual, making them perpendicular to the channel of the vertical profile. Continue to tighten the hex socket cap screws so the limit mamual is firmly held in place. Confirm both the T-slot nuts are remaining at 90 degrees to the vertical Z axis profiles once the screws have been fully tightened.

On the reverse face of the 15 Z-axis vertical profile leftposition the 08 Z-axis motor assembly on the 02 printer base with the stepper motor resting on the top surface of the aluminium extrusion and shaft pointing directly upwards. Secure the stepper ender 3 pro manual into place with the 2x M4x18P hex socket countersunk screws ender 3 pro manual tightened into place using the M2.

These screws are feed through two holes on either side of the plastic mounting block attached to the top of the stepper motor and screwed into the matching threaded holes in the 15 Z-axis vertical profile left.

Insert the 17 Z-axis lead screw into the Z-axis shaft coupling on top of the 08 Z-axis stepper motor. Slightly torque the grub screws using an M2.

At this point in the assembly process do not tighten too much as we will need to set the final position of this screw in a later step step 9. Attach the 1. Tighten the coupler into place using the open-ended wrench from the tool kit supplied with the printer.

Using an M2. Make sure the XE motor kit is positioned correctly on the left-hand side right on the reverse of the 18 X-axis profile, using the 2 predrilled and threaded mounting holes. Feed the 14 Synchronous Belt 77cm under the plastic cover and around the X-axis pulley GT2, 20 teeth. The easiest way to wrap the belt around the pulley is to feed the belt through the cover, going ender 3 pro manual one side and out the other, then bending the belt around and feeding back through the cover once again.

Loosely wrap the 14 Synchronous Belt 77cm around the opposite end of the 18 X-axis profile. At this point the build there is no pulley for the belt to go on, it will увидеть больше installed in step 8. Approximately position the 14 Synchronous Belt so that the end tabs are in the centre of the X-axis profile. The belt should roughly be in line with the centre channel ender 3 pro manual the X-axis profile. Slide the 05 Hot-end carriage over the end of the 18 X-axis profile, ensuring the V-slot wheels go into the channel of the aluminium extrusion, with two wheels being ender 3 pro manual top and manuap single wheel at ender 3 pro manual bottom.

The 05 Extruder carriage is oriented with a majority of the assembly fans, hot-end and cover on the front side of the 18 X-axis profile, opposite side to that of the 06 XE stepper motor kit assembly already attached from step 5. Slide the tabbed ends of the X-axis synchronous belt from step 6 into the slotted tabs Очень 2003 buick rendezvous repair manual free download подумал the back of the 05 Hot-end carriage. These slotted tabs are located either side of the single v-slot wheel ender 3 pro manual the bottom of the extruder carriage.

On the reverse side of the X-axis profile, fix the 04 Z-axis passive block with 2x M4x16 hex socket button head screws using an M2. The 04 Z-axis passive block is positioned on the reverse, left hand side on the right when viewed from front and predetermined by the 2 snder holes in the aluminium profile.

Position the T-slot nuts of the 07 X-axis idler pulley so they are in the ender 3 pro manual orientation as the channel on the profile. Wrap the X-axis 14 Synchronous Belt from step 6 over the pulley of the 07 X-axis idler pulley assembly. Move the assemble, with belt wrapped around it, into place on the right-hand end of the front face of the 18 X-axis profile and insert the T-slot nuts ender 3 pro manual the channel of the majual extrusion.

While still applying adequate tension on the 14 Synchronous Belt, use a M2. Confirm that both the T-slot nuts remain at 90 degrees to the 18 X-axis profile once fully ender 3 pro manual in place.

Place the assembled X-axis gantry over the tops of the Z-axis vertical uprights, ensuring the V-slot wheels are lined up with the channels on manusl vertical profiles and sitting true and correctly within the slot.

With the X-axis gantry sitting over the Z-axis uprights, thread the 17 Z-axis lead screw from step 4 through the nut ender 3 pro manual coloured on the gantry backing plate, turn the 17 Manula lead screw by hand enough for the X-axis ender 3 pro manual to be ender 3 pro manual down towards the print bed and clear from the top of the Z-axis vertical uprights.

Lower the gantry down by approx. After ender 3 pro manual X-axis gantry has been positioned нажмите чтобы прочитать больше the vertical uprights and the 17 Z-axis lead screw has been manually threaded and lowered slightly, with an M2. Position the 19 Top profile at the top of the Z-axis vertical profiles from step 1paying particular attention to the orientation of the profile making sure to have the correct side facing in the upward direction manuak shown in image.

Line up holes on either side of the 19 Top profile with the threaded holes in the tops of the Z-axis uprights. Once correctly lined up, fix the top profile into place with 4x M5x25 hex socket cap pfo, with 2 screws being used on either end of the profile, torque firmly into place using the M4 hex key Allen key. With the 19 top profile securely in place, push a 12 Endcap into each end of the extrusion, covering the exposed aluminium ender 3 pro manual. Ensure the endcaps are both square to the profile of ender 3 pro manual extrusion and not on an angle.

Insert the 2x M5x8 hex socket button head screws into the base of the 11 Spool holder frame, so the threads of the screws are hanging down. Loosely thread the 2x M5 T-Slot nuts onto the ends of the threads of the M5x8 button screws applying only a few turns of thread to hold the nut onto the screw. Insert the T-slot nuts into the channel on the top surface of the 19 Top profile ender 3 pro manual rotating the nuts so that they are in the same orientation as the channel and can be slotted in without obstruction.

Position the 11 Spool holder frame onto of the top surface of the 19 Top profile from step 10 in a suitable location, eneer this is mm approx. Ensure the orientation of the frame is with the folded tabs ender 3 pro manual the part facing towards the rear of the printer.

Once in the channel, rotate the T-slot eender by 90 degrees making download manual canon free 20d eos perpendicular to the channel and the profile. When in the correct position, tighten the M5x8 hex socket cap screws, using an M3 Hex Key Allen Keyso the spool holder frame is firmly held in place. Confirm that both the T-slot nuts remain at 90 degrees to the top profile once fully tightened in этим samsung rf29a9671sg service manual нравится. Remove the locking nut off the 10 Spool holder tube and then insert the main body of the tube into the hole at the top of the 11 Spool holder frame.

Position the tube so it is orientated towards the rear of the printer and sitting more or less directly inline and above the extruder. Secure the main body in place to the frame with the locking nut, tightening securely to ensure no free play or movement of the tube. Untangle the wiring loom coming from the control box located underneath the build plate of the mnual.

Identify all cable ends and their associated components. Listed below are the various loom plugs, what they are labelled and an approximate location for their termination on the printer:. Run each of the loom plugs to their required locations and plug into the associated socket, paying particular attention to the directional nature of the основываясь на этих данных going into the sockets.

If plugged in incorrectly could cause damage to the pins in the plug or the plug housing. Double check labelling of plugs and sockets match up as required with no ender 3 pro manual or mismatched pairings.

The Left-hand socket and centre socket are not used manuwl this setup. Firmly push the loose end of the Bowden tube into the coupler fitting on the 05 Hot-end carriage from step 7. Confirm both ends of the Bowden tube are securely in place by applying some force on the tube and attempting to pull out from the fitting, they should not be able to be removed from the fittings if correctly inserted.

Tidy up the wiring and Bowden tube ender 3 pro manual the supplied cable ties ender 3 pro manual necessary to hold wiring in place. With the supplied 13 mains power cable, plug the printer in at the mains mankal turn on at both the mains outlet and then on the 03 power supply of the printer. For the following steps 14 though 19 Use the navigation dial to enter the main options menu from the main information screen, turning the navigation dial either clockwise or anti-clockwise to scroll through the listed menu options and pressing the dial to make selections at the appropriate menu option.

The printer will run an Auto Homing process and place the printer head in the front left of the build plate once the process has been run. The purpose of the below process of moving stepper motors is to ensure they are correctly plugged into their corresponding components, are travelling in the correct direct as programmed by the user and that there are no obstructions in the way of the various assemblies as привожу ссылку moves along their respective paths.

When in the enxer axis menu, complete the following series of commands /23791.txt selecting an axis from the list and jogging the stepper motor, adjusting the distance on the display and executing the command by pressing the navigation dial.

Sequence for jogging each axis Skip to content. The following assembly instructions are for the Creality Ender 3 Pro desktop 3D printer. For a PDF version of ender 3 pro manual manual, click the download link directly below.

Contents hide. Parts List.


Ender 3 pro manual

  Visit our official website www. Slide the tabbed ends of the X-axis synchronous belt from step 6 into the slotted tabs on the back of the 05 Hot-end carriage. Step 15 — Stepper Motor Directions.    


Creality Ender 3 Assembly Instructions - RBtech


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